Connect with international talent

in your town

Consultation for small businesses looking to grow with the international talent who are already in their community

As a small business, your people are your strength

For a small business like yours, we know that your people are your competitive advantage. Getting them to succeed helps your business grow.

That’s why we team up with high-skilled international talent to give you the tips you need of how to grow your business using the international talent that is already in your community.

Who should book a session?

  • Growing businesses that want to unlock a new talent pool of high-skilled people who are already embedded in their community

  • Companies that want international competence and a global perspective

  • Business owners who have an international team and want to build the social glue to help them succeed!

What we’ll cover

The consultation hours are provided to you for free.

Sessions take place in-person and will be held from 09:00-12:00

The Inclusive Company program is presented over 2 weeks, with a short hands-on activity for you to complete between the sessions.

🤩 Our consultation sessions will provide you with:

  • Clarity of your company “persona” and how to attract the people who match that

  • Knowledge on how to create the “social glue” in your company that supports international talent to stay and refer others


  • Our program partners have funded our Inclusive Company program. That means it is free for you as a company to participate

  • Our sessions are provided in both English. Some understanding of English will be helpful!

  • We recommend 1-2 people from the company to join the session. You can choose who joins, but they should be able to take decisions about HR related matters, or hiring

  • No! You can think of these sessions as people strategy or employer branding guidance that will help you connect better with the international talent you might not be finding as you recruit. We will also address how to support your new international hires so they stay, and refer their friends

Let’s build an inclusive company!

The Inclusive Company is run in cooperation with and funded by